Defense Day of School Telecom and Networking

Defense Day of School Telecom and Networking

Telecom and Networking       After you have seen some activities of other school like Computer Science and Digital Business already, now let’s take a look on the students of school Telecom and Networking on the defense day that start in the 28th June, 2023. Do...
Digital Business Defense Day II

Digital Business Defense Day II

Defense Day 2 (Digital Business)       Defense Day on 23 June, 2023 is the second day of defense that is perform by students majoring in Digital Business. It is a day that they have to do the presentation about their project of the second internship to all judges as a...
Defense Day of Digital Business

Defense Day of Digital Business

Defense Day of Digital Business Students      19 June, 2023 is the defense day of 4 years students majoring in Digital Business that have to complete their bachelor degree. Let’s say congratulation to all of them that have complete their second internship and...